Thesis Statement

Films both animated and live-action alike rely upon a balance of dynamic storytelling and cinematic techniques to provide their audience with meaningful entertainment. This balance is often elusive, as many films fall short of this balance, over-reliant on gimmicks, star power or special effects, while an exemplary few, e.g. Disney’s Moana and The Shining, excel and become instant classics.  It’s the masterful use of setting, camerawork and great storytelling is what earns these films distinction. Our intention is capture that balance and create an animated short that showcases how visual effects and the camera can become characters in their own right.

For a link to my partner Ashaundei Smith’s blog go to this link:

The Journey Continues

This semester I will be working on collaborative animated short with Ashaundei Smith.  We will be creating a short based off of the semiotic square shown below.  A semiotic square helps artists to figure out their ideas for a project and become the beginnings of a thesis.  Together this semester we will work to create a short which will include a rig, nhair, ncloth, a water simulation and an environment among other skills.

semiotic sqaure

Check out Ashaundei’s blog at .